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Just In: Chris Brown Pleads Not Guilty – Preliminary Hearing Set for April 29th

Latest Updates on the Case

Chris Brown had his day in court to face two felony charges of making criminal threats and assault. The 19-year-old singer pleaded not guilty in a Los Angeles courtroom Monday stemming from the alleged Feb. 8 beating of his girlfriend, pop diva Rihanna. The singer dressed in a dark suit stated “Not guilty your honor,” when asked how he would plea. His mother sat in the front row of the courtroom, her eyes red from tears.

Rihanna did not appear in court, but her lawyer Donald Etra was present. “What happened today was that Chris Brown entered a not guilty plea to both of the felony counts against him,” Etra said to reporters after the hearing. “Rihanna’s position in this case remains the same, mainly she will do everything that the law requires her to do,” he said when asked what role the 21-year-old singer will play in the case.

Etra went on to say that both parties are attempting to resolve the case “expeditiously and fairly” but fended off personal questions regarding his client. “It’s not my role to discuss her personal relationship,” he said.

Brown’s attorney Geragos hopes to reach a plea deal will the prosecution that will not allow Brown to serve jail time. The young star faces up to four years in prison if convicted on both charges.

Brown first turned himself in to authorities on February 8, hours after the alleged altercation. He was later released on $50,000 bail and both he and Rihanna missed scheduled appearances at this year’s Grammy awards. Although the couple has since reconciled, in the past few weeks Brown has been out of the spotlight emerging last month to at a girl’s college basketball game during their schools violence against women awareness campaign. Rihanna is back in her native Barbados with friends and family.

The singer is due back in court April 29.

If Brown, 19, is convicted, the sentence could range from probation to four years and eight months in prison, the office said.

The attack is said to have happened during an argument that began when Rihanna, who had been dating Brown, found a text message from another woman on his cell phone, according to a sworn police statement.

When Brown appeared for his first hearing a month ago, Rihanna’s lawyer asked the judge not to prohibit Brown from having contact with her while he faces felony charges of assaulting her.

Check out the video below…

Source: Via Email/YouTube

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